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Kubernetes Cookbook

This is the place where we provide the manifests, scripts, configuration files and other related material used in the Kubernetes Cookbook. It’s organized along the book’s 15 chapters. In bold you see the recipes that contain files, such as YAML manifests, here:

1. Getting Started with Kubernetes

2. Creating a Kubernetes Cluster

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3. Learning to Use the Kubernetes Client

4. Creating and Modifying Fundamental Workloads

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5. Working with Services

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6. Managing Application Manifests

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7. Exploring the Kubernetes API and Key Metadata

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8. Volumes and Configuration Data

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9. Scaling

10. Security

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11. Monitoring and Logging

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12. Maintenance and Troubleshooting

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13. Service Mesh

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14. Serverless and Event Driven Applications

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15. Extending Kubernetes

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